Summary of the Curriculum for Tolerance
This curriculum is an outcome of the project:
“Towards a Culture of Tolerance and Co-Existence: Educating for Human Rights, Nonviolence and Acceptance of the Other”, which has been funded by the European Union (EU). It aims at providing students with knowledge about democracy and human rights. Additionally it encourages students to reflect on their identity and values.
Conflict Resolution Book
"Constructive Conflict Transformation" is a training manual for school counselors. Most of the activities described in this manual apply to youth from the age of 9 to 18, and some to younger children between 5 and 8.The manual also contains some activities that apply in particular to adults.
Part I and II of this manual are theoretical whereas part III is the practical section. In the theoretical part questions like what is conflict and what is violence will be discussed as well as what is constructive conflict transformation and nonviolence.