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Invitation to film screening in Qalandia refugee camp on Wednesday, April 3rd, / عرض فيلم يوم الأربع
في يوم الأربعاء (3 أبريل) ، تدعوكMEND للحضور إلى العرض الثاني للفيلم الجديد الذي قدمته نساء في مخيم شعفاط للاجئين ويتناول قضايا الصحة...

Women of Shu'fat refugee camp made a new film dealing with different topics around mental health
On Monday (March 25th) the first film screening of the recently produced film by women of Shu'fat refugee camp was realized. Around 50...
"Fil Meidan" - Citizen Journalism - sharing the lives of Jerusalem youth
MEND has almost completed the first phase of the Fil Meidan, our "citizen journalism" project with youth from Kalandia, Ram, Nebi Saleh,...
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