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Women of Shu'fat refugee camp made a new film dealing with different topics around mental health

On Monday (March 25th) the first film screening of the recently produced film by women of Shu'fat refugee camp was realized. Around 50 women watched the screening. After the screening there was room for an open discussion. Especially the topic of sexual harassment was addressed here. There was a big wish for change. //

تحقق يوم الاثنين 25 مارس أول فيلم يعرض للفيلم الذي أنتجته مؤخراً نساء من مخيم شعفاط للاجئين. شاهدت حوالي 50 امرأة الفحص. بعد الفحص ، كان هناك مجال لمناقشة مفتوحة. وخاصة موضوع التحرش الجنسي تم تناوله هنا. كانت هناك رغبة كبيرة في التغيير.


Recently there has been a growing interest in alternatives to violence even at the level of long-term
political activists. In fact these activists and community leaders have specifically expressed their
dissatisfaction with the cycle of violence and its results, and requested information and training for active

MEND, having built its reputation on a holistic and creative approach to violence in schools, has taken this
approach further to reach the general population. Working through film, the internet, radio, bumper
stickers, posters, and news advertisements, MEND has changed the local attitude to nonviolence from one
of scepticism or dismissal (when MEND was first established in 1998) to one of interest and appreciation - so that now even the Palestinian President talks about nonviolence. If there can be a visible nonviolence
movement, this will give hope to all those on both sides who fear the cycle of violence and cannot see
any partners for peace.


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